Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome October

Welcome October.
I've been looking forward to your arrival.
I hope you have brought crisp, cool air,
with the woodsy smell of fireplaces burning.
And that you have arrived with paintbrushes in hand
to create your annual masterpiece -
a brilliant pallet of firey reds and shocking oranges.
I will taste you in every bite of a hard, sour,
non quite yet ripened MacIntosh apple,
and every slurp of the hot squash soup I will make.
October, you put on quite a show
with your clear, deep blue skies, and chilly breezes.
And you are a hard act to follow.
So for now, I just want to say
Welcome October.
I've been looking forward to your arrival.


  1. No paintbrushes working their magic here yet - barely any signs of Autumnal colours - but they can't be far way...

  2. You're such a poet ;D Autumn is my favorite season as well

  3. Squash soup? Never had that one, but it sounds lovely! :) Recipe perhaps?

    Already the leaves are changing and falling here. It's so pretty, but it makes me a bit sad to see all the flowers and greenery go away... I think Christmas might be the only thing I like about winter. And fireplaces. I like those too. :)

    Happy October!
