Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tribal Love

She is a tiny thing, my daughter Harmony. Petite in frame and delicate in appearance. But her appearance belies her inner strength and fierceness of spirit. She fulfills her desire to live an artful life by working for a theatre company.

Last night Harmony's tribe showed up in droves to support her company's anniversary gala. We make references to our tribe all the time but last night it was on full display. I had my two gal pals with me and we were some of the first in the Harmony contingent to arrive to the reception. Gradually the others trickled in and soon it was like old home week. The parents of my first husband mingled with my second ex-husband. My first ex-husband happily greeted my second ex. (Losing count yet?) Harmony wove in and amongst her loving cocoon of family, posing for pictures, stopping for hugs and collecting good wishes.

I know it looks odd from the outside looking in .... one big, expanding circle of family that we call our tribe. But it works for us. The love that we share for the children is greater than any differences or residual feelings we may have. It unites us. It provides a solid foundation of family, no matter how differently or oddly pieced together it is. The kids know they are loved and enjoy the security that it brings.

So last night I was one of many who watched our little Harmony, in all her delicateness, put her Doc Martins to good use and kick some serious butt. It was one of those cherished occasions that presses the pride button in us. It was a moment and feeling shared collectively ... by the tribe.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, made me happy for you and wistful for me all at the same time. You are lucky that your ex is of the same mind as you. Mine was not.
