Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gathering of the Clan

They are a spirited bunch, my clan ... "noisy and loud" some may say. But I like to think we are a cluster of excellent verbal communicators who lean to the passionate side of things. Okay, we're noisy. And today was no different. Doris was lucky - she could turn off her hearing aides, but I swear I spotted a few of the more reserved, less chatty members of the family slipping earplugs in.

But in an effort to defy my loquaciousness and writer's run on, I'll be brief. Today was simply awesome. As predicted, it rained for a good part of the BBQ and then settled on cloudy and overcast but it was of little concern. The burgers tasted great; the platters were heaping, the wine was flowing, the talk - flowing even more. There were hugs all around, speeches made, pictures snapped and the same stories retold (of course). And like fine wine they get better with every telling!

My clan. They're a wonderful group to have along on this most amazing journey that is my life.

I generally get people's permission before I post their picture on my blog. In this case I did not. So to my family - if there is anyone who is uncomfortable with having their handsome/beautiful mug up here, just email me and I will kindly remove it. And then you can accept my apologies.

1 comment:

  1. Lyn..i never use that tired expression awsome but your last few blogs were AW....The best was the waiting room and I experienced some of the same as I waited for my Dr. appointment...sad but somehow funny..polar bear
