Friday, February 27, 2009

Friends, Friday and Feelings

Friday -- the end of a long week. I think it is my most favourite night of all; a time to crash and relax knowing that the whole weekend stretches before me. Time to exhale. Fritz has already exhaled -- he is out cold on the couch beside me. On my other side, Kidlet is drifting in and out, exhausted after a stressful, action packed week of hockey, assignments, tests and driving lessons. The week was not without its merits.

I had dinner with J last night - my dear friend of more than 36 years. She is true, someone who I can pick up with regardless of how much time has passed since our last visit. She is my past and she tells me I am hers. We remember one another as children, shared dreams of being writers, mothers and having daughters that would play together. The last part about our daughters playing together didn't quite pan out - time and distance - however we were fortunate enough to realize our dreams. We were best friends from middle school onwards, we co-wrote for our high school newspaper, moved to the city to go to college and were room-mates. She was by my side when I married, and I by hers when she eloped. When my mother was critically ill in the hospital, J miraculously appeared at my darkest moment, a shoulder of solace. I tried to do the same for her when a year later her mother lay dying of cancer. Soul sisters.

For the next two hours over fresh rolls, Thai salads and stir fry, and two chilled glasses of wine we exchanged stories, philosophized, commiserated and laughed. I love the way J's wide smile takes me back decades, to a simpler, more innocent time. For a moment we are ten year olds again.

As I drove home, city lights reflecting in my rear view mirror, I tingled with sheer joy and peace. I marvelled how I have been so greatly blessed in this life with a handful of special companion souls. No matter what may come my way it's enough to know I am loved; I am not alone.

And for that I am supremely grateful. Hello weekend.


  1. Thank goodness, friends and family alike can do this carry-on-where-we-left-off trick, that makes parting easier.

  2. This was truly touching- it is those friends who truly make lifes simplest moments divine and sometimes most toughest moments seem bareable.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. You have a gift for putting into words those things in life that are beyond understanding. Reading this reminds me that you are my strongest link to all the joys and sorrows of the past, a source of comfort and laughter for today, and an inspiration for the future. How fortunate am I to find all that in one friend? J.

  4. Thanks J for your kind words. You are the best! Also thanks to Jinksy and E for reading and commenting on this blog so often. It makes a girl feel good! : )
