Yesterday was a full day ... I squeezed in a matinee performance of
The Color Purple (thank you eldest daughter ) and then went with hubby to another city for an 8 pm symphony performance of music from video games called
Video Games Live. I guess you could say it was as culturally diverse a day as you could get.
The Color Purple - although I think I have found something to enjoy at every live theatrical performance I have ever experienced. Nothing can match the excitement of witnessing a story unfold (or unravel) on the stage, with the knowledge that anything can happen, and never the same performance delivered twice. Musicals offer the added element of live symphonies. The low notes rumble in your tummy, the theatre walls inhaling and exhaling with the vibrancy of the music.
As I sat in my seat next to daughter (and the lady who used the intermission to grab a smoke) eyes transfixed on the stage it crept up on me ... uncontrolled emotion. The well controlled lump in my throat escaped and unleashed a flood of tears. And I cry ugly. Not those romantic cries depicted on screen where facial expressions remain unchanged and a lonely tear rolls down a cheek.
Not a chance. My face indescreetly contorts in a losing attempt at flood control and tears gush down what looks like an anguished face. No disguising and no where to hide save the grace of the darkened theatre. Standing ovation! Jubilation and still the tears flow uncontrollably.
Darn! They threw the house lights on! I want to yell out to the actors that I loved the play and that I am really not in any pain!
The sun was warm and brilliant and matched my mood as we left the theatre (my mascara streaked face belied this however). And it was a great excuse to visit the city and snap a few shots. But my day was not over.

I no sooner got home from one event when Hubby and I jumped into the car to head to
Video Games Live in yet another city. With little or no expectation I actually found it all very entertaining. The 100 piece symphony and philharmonic choir brought a new dimension to the music I hear coming from hubby's cave. The audience was encouraged to express their appreciation in ways that would normally violate live perfromance etiquette. People waved their open cell phones and handheld game players, in lieu of flckering lighters. There were cheers, jeers, hoots, hollers and hearty laughter.
Did I mention the costumes?
As we made our way home I had to marvel at the richness of the day. How lucky was I to have not one - but two live experiences - in two different citites - in a single day. Best of all, I shared them with not one - but two people I love so much.
Thank you family. I slept soundly - feeling fully alive.
Some shots from a brilliant, living, breathing city ...