Sunday, February 7, 2010

Girls Having Fun

It was overdue ... a rare space of time that my sisters and I stole for ourselves. That is what this weekend was all about.  Put us in the same room together and it didn't take but a few moments for us to fall into our old dynamic. We were school girls again swapping stories, sharing secrets and gossip - debating the particulars and accuracy of events - voices escalating as we competed for air time to make our oh-so-very-important point! This is a predominant family trait - bypassing only my much quieter brother.

It never ceases to amaze me how the perspectives differ from the different vantage points in a family. My two younger sisters are close in age and shared classmates and the same social circle so they share many of the same memories as well. There are three years between me and my middle sister and she and I have recollections that our youngest sister does not. But besides the matching pixie cuts we had as kids, we three  have common ground in the love for our parents and family and the adventurous life we shared together.

My mother used to say the best present she ever gave us was one another -- built in, lifelong friends. She was right.  You too little brother. And this is something I have tried to teach my own three daughters. No matter how lonely life can be; no matter how rough the terrain; no matter what differences we may have - we have one another. [Cue music: You are not alone, I am here with you ....]

As we packed the homemade beans and cookies (thanks Sis) into the car and hugged far away sister goodbye, we shared a collective breath of sadness.  I t ' s  h a r d   t o   b e   
a p a r t.  Then just as quickly we laughingly bid our farewells and drove off happily with my sister waving from her front porch.

We're getting older --- there was lots of proof this weekend (lol) - the stories I could tell  -- which makes our time together that much more sweeter. And the good news is that we are all still here to usher in each birthday - sisters - we're girls just having fun.


  1. I'm glad you had fun, Lyn :)
    Who doesn't love some alone time with family?

  2. Sounds like fun! Glad you all got together!

  3. Lets just hear it for sisters and memories!

  4. When our mom was dying, my sister and I moved to the city where she and our other sister also lived so we could spend the rest of Mom's time with her and also help look after her. It was a hard year, but it was also wonderful because we three sisters got to be together so much. A gift amongst the heartache!
