Monday, October 17, 2011


She got mail! My mom has been gone for almost fourteen years now impossible! and today, she got mail. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the envelope laying on the kitchen table, with her name on it.

Just in case I had any notion of letting her memory lapse, she gave me a gentle nudge, just as she has done so many times before.

Mom, we speak your name every day; the advice you so intuitively dispensed is passed along generously to those who need it most; and your handwritten notes flutter out from nowhere to remind me of your loving spirit.

Thank you ... you always seem to know when I need you most. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that would make me feel good too. I imagine the people who bought my parent's house in RI must still occasionally get mail addressed to my mom. Actually, knowing my mom, they must get a TON of catalogs, lol.
