Photo courtesy of Kidlet |
Her face was beaming as she grinned up at us from her second row pew. Her dad and foster dog guide Cadet sat behind my hubby and I, all of us perched up in the balcony with a bird's eye view of the graduation ceremony below.
A vintage home movie scrolled through my mind: flashes of Kidlet's first day on the ice in her hockey gear; dropping her off at nursery school and helping her find the cubby with her name taped above it; visions of a five-year old Kidlet in her rubber boots digging for earth worms; images of her belting out
Seasons of Love at her grade eight grad... and a blurry mashup of scenes from our life.
Her childhood flashed before me in what seemed like moments. And today her dads and I came together, like so many times before, to witness her achievement of yet another milestone in her life and celebrate the woman she is becoming.
How is it then that the face gleaming up at us was that of my five-year old, innocent, fresh faced Kidlet?
The Chancellor's speech was riddled with advice for the new grads -- the best of which was "do something!" So Kidlet, I've had twenty-two years to dispense my advice, so no further required. You
get it and have everything you need within yourself to create the life you want. And you have the love and support of your parents and sisters as well as your big, extended tribe. You once told me, as I tucked you into your bed, that you were happy you "picked" me. Well Kidlet, I'm glad you picked me too! It's a privilege to be your mother.
Kidlet's post-grad Facebook post:
I have to thank my mom for putting up with me for the last 4 years. She edited every single paper I have submitted #truth. Sometimes at 11:45 pm when it was due at midnight. I appreciate all her time and energy and support. Love you mum.
Today is just one of those days in which I am reminded of the riches in my life; in which my heart is filled with pride and gratitude for the three precious treasures I have been blessed with. Life is indeed good.