I just got word that my Women for Women sister Monica will be graduating from the program at the end of October. It is hard to fathom that a year has passed already since that first glimpse of her in the black and white picture sent in the WFW sponsorship kit. I can remember thinking that her stare was that of someone who harboured alot of pain and her face bore evidence of hard living.
Monica is from the Sudan - mother of seven children at age 23. I wrote her many letters as recommended and although we are cautioned that the women may not be able to reciprocate, I had hoped to hear from her -- how her life was going. No matter. It is my deepest hope that the year spent being loved by a far away sister and supported by Women for Women has given her stable legs and renewed strength to go forward with her life. I have to write her a final letter that will serve as our goodbye -- and then -- I can look forward to learning about my new sister.
Women have been supporting one another forever as long as I can remember. My mom once likened her "coffee dates" with the neighbourhood ladies to a support group. I would hear snippets of their conversations as they stirred their instant coffee as I wandered through the kitchen - invisible. Brainstorming ideas -- how to afford night school; who could babysit the kids; birth control issues; how to meet the demands of husbands and kids. They would clean one another's houses, watch each other's children and pool together to sew curtains and paint bedrooms. Women supporting other women -- and that is what I love about WFW.
I just hope Monica has someone who loves her enough to wrap their arms around her weary shoulders and tell her that they love her. I hope Monica can feel the love and power of half of the planet's population pulling for her-- yearning for her survival and sur-thrival.
Stay tuned for future introductions to my new sister ....
My other posts about Women for Women
Hi Lyn! I'm amazed I've been reading your blog for longer than a year already! Great that you've been able to help Monica to achieve something she ordinarily couldn't have...
ReplyDeleteWhen I'm away from blogging for a week or so, I miss out on so much here, so been catching up on the thanksgiving (bittersweet with alzheimers and Nana), autumn, and migratory parents and a cold sounding visit to the cottage!!
We were also following the rescue of the Chilean miners with great joy. For once, a real feelgood story gaining so much press coverage!
I may be a good writer, but you're a really good person. Bless your heart.