Butterflies in my tummy when I awoke this morning. And in the wee hours as I got ready for work I was ticked that I hadn't had the foresight to book a vacation day today so that I could stay home glued to my set. Instead I was glued to CNN's and CBC's live coverage. Don't get me wrong - I squeezed in a bit of work too!
Today is one more, step on the steep stairway leading to change.
Today is one more, step on the steep stairway leading to change.
As you can imagine talk of the inauguration dominated our office, and my fellow Obama fans and I couldn’t help but answer the call of the swearing in ceremony. The streaming video didn't work out so well so my frustrated colleague who lives close by tore out of the office to watch the rest of the ceremony on a reliable TV. She called out an invitation to all as she departed ...
What we started at our desks - we finished in a boardroom - all five of us (our boss-lady included) sat fixated at the images and words that rolled out before us. Misty eyes and a solemn sense that we were sharing a moment bigger than all of us ...
What a day! What a historic day! I have no more tears to shed. My heart is filled with gratitude that in my lifetime I bear witness to this momentous day ... the day that the impossible became possible; and the day that the world rejoiced in the knowledge that as one - we can prevail.
"This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed -
why men and women and children of every
race and every faith can join in celebration
across this magnificent mall, and why a man
whose father less than 60 years
ago might not have been served
at a local restaurant can now stand before
you to take a most sacred oath."
- President Barack Obama
There were times when I thought I couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, been a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come,
oh yes it will.
- Sam Cooke
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, been a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come,
oh yes it will.
- Sam Cooke
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