It got me thinking about how we are shaped by our early beginnings - childhood - and the people in it. They help influence our thinking, our values and how we perceive ourselves. In grade school my music teacher convinced me that I had talent; that I could be a featured soloist of the band - if I practiced daily. Funny thing was, I only knew 4 notes on my brass instrument! But - I had a destiny - a talent. I lugged that baritone (small tuba) home and treated my saintly parents to daily random collections of notes! I worked hard and got to be very accomplished and a soloist - all because someone else thought I had greatness in me.
Years later, that very same teacher laughed when I told him how he had inspired me with his belief in me. He confessed that at the time he thought I was tone deaf and pretty much hopeless but -needing a baritone player for the band - he said whatever he thought would get me practicing. A lifelong myth - debunked! But it showed me the power others can yield - if we allow it. This can work both ways - positively and negatively. I shudder to think of the consequences if that same teacher had suggested that I drop music ...
But what of those who are not so fortunate? They navigate life's rocky channels without the confidence of knowing; but rather, hoping - accumulating know-how with earned experience.
We learn how to love and if we are very blessed, we get taught by the best. I am grateful I was.
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