Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Me ... An Easy Choice

Last night I drove into the city to meet my middle daughter for yet another night of theatre ... an inspiring, one-woman production of Shirley Valentine. The solitary drive in and the walk from the parking garage provided some precious thinking time. The closer I got to the theatre and my beautiful daughter, the more my spirits brightened and my heart warmed. Unsolicited, random thoughts on what makes me happy popped into my head ... so, in no particular order ...

things that make me happy

  • the smell of dinner as I come through the door after working all day

  • knowing that someone (hubby) loves me enough to be so thoughtful to cook me dinner

  • random hugs from Kidlet - as she gets older, they are more rare but more appreciated

  • witnessing thoughtful acts and the caring ways of my daughters

  • drinking piping hot tea from my over sized mug that Kidlet gave me for Christmas

  • Fritz's frenetic "welcome" when I come through the door

  • knowing I belong to something bigger - a loving clan

  • wearing my plaid, flannel Eddie Bauer shirt that I picked up at Value Village ten years ago

  • the smell of books, and spending hours flipping through my favourite reads

  • cooking and the smell of tomato sauce as it simmers

  • singing - especially as I cook and clean - especially a John Denver song

  • walking, camera in hand, breathing deeply in the moment -and capturing the perfect shot

  • laughing, talking and remembering with my family and my chosen family (friends)

I realize that my list could go on and on ... it is endless - as is my gratitude. I have always believed that happiness is a choice. For lucky, happy me ... it is an easy one.


  1. Wouldn't it be great, if on one day a year, we could guarantee happiness to every single being on the planet? (See, I'm not greedy - one day would do - for starters, anyway!)

  2. Beautiful post. :)
