The sweetest three words to hear -- and the most powerful. I wonder if we say it enough ... or if we preserve love as an emotion - felt but not necessarily expressed. Love frugality.
It seems that when the house echoed with the giggles of little girls and hugs and kisses abounded, the "I love you's" were abundant, recklessly tossed about at every turn. After bath snuggles, accompanying hello and goodbye hugs, at bedtime tuck ins, and as they got older - at the end of every phone conversation. I think that is why we love children (and envy) - their innocence, honesty and open affection and willingness to love - and share it.
I am making more of an effort to tell the people I care about what they mean to me, and how much I love them. To me love unexpressed is love wasted. We all need to know that we matter to someone else. What is that saying ... love isn't love til you give it away. With every I love you, my heart expands and I am filled with utter peace. Every time I hear those sweet words spoken, whispered or sung to me - I melt. Immediate resucitation and emotional inflation. I am loved. I am alive.
Don't just think it - say it. I love you. I really do!
The Beatles got it right - All you need is love! x