Friday, August 28, 2009

What Would They Say ...

I am sitting, laptop in lap, watching the Ted Kennedy's memorial service on CNN. As the parade of political colleagues, friends and family take the podium, it is fascinating to hear what qualities and stories about Teddy that they choose to share. There is a common thread ... his humanity, his booming laughter, his countless gestures of empathy and generosity, his love of family and his expressions of love. He is living proof that we do not have to become our mistakes and poor judgement - but rather we can choose at any time to become the best version of ourselves.

I imagine that tomorrow the political pundits will focus more on his political record and his personal scandals. But what is evident is that one's lasting legacy is what we have meant to others; what kind of friend we were; the love we expressed; the laughter shared and smiles; the hearts we warmed; our acts of kindness ...

I have lost a few special people, and I can tell you that the things I remember about them have little to do with their vocation or station in life. Instead, it is the warmth of their voices, the love and hugs I received, their listening ear, their unconditional, unwavering support.

It makes me wonder what about my own legacy. How have I treated others? What have I given - has it been enough? What would they would say ...

I think I have some work to do ... but for now, I will listen as "The Impossible Dream" is sung (one of my favourite songs ... something to do with it being one of the few pieces that I got to play some melody on my baritone in band).

Photo Credit:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome tribute to a life well lived. I am also watching and thoroughly enjoying the memories. Loved the compassionate rendition given of The Impossible Dream and uplifted by the enthusiasm of the Baptist singers. All memories given were so positive, happy, humorous and zestful. That's the way to celebrate a life!
