Friday, August 27, 2010


Photo courtesy of Oxfam
There is much need in the world. gross understatement  Sitting on my comfy couch noshing on a delicious, enormous bowl of ice cream surrounded by expensive electronics, watching the reel of horrors of the Pakistan floods play out before me, the images shock like cold water on the face. wake up call.

I have alot. gross understatement I have more than enough. I have excess and abundance. I can have more ice cream if I want it. I am in a ship beside a sea of drowning humanity. Will I toss - at the very least -  a lifeline, or even better, a lifeboat to help save but a few of my brothers and sisters? Will I answer their cries or simply turn the channel distance myself from the ugliness and pain?

I am not turning away. The one thing I learned on my Kenyan trip was how much help is appreciated and how far our dollar goes in a crisis. I am starting with Oxfam and the Humanitarian Coalition. The Canadian government is matching our donations until September 12th. These catastrophic events are opportunities for us to rise up, to remember the greater family we all belong to, and exercise the goodness we have within.

Pakistan needs us now.


  1. It can be so depressing and overwhelming sometimes, can't it. Who to help, when, how much, which organization uses your dollars the wisest??? I wish it were easier.

  2. Amen! Thanks Lyn for always helping me to remember. And for all the love you have been sending me (who already has a life boat but sure appreciates sailing the seas with your kindness).


  3. If we all did our bit as often as the world needs the world would be a better place.

  4. Amen times infinity.
